
Peer-reviewed Articles

  • Li Ma and Jin Li, "Chinese Protestantism, Cyber Public Space, and the Possibility of Covenantal Pluralism," Review of Faith and International Affairs, Vol. 19 (2021), Issue 1: 14-26.

  • Li Ma and Jin Li, "The Tragic Irony of a Patriotic Mission: The Indigenous Leadership of Francis Wei and T. C. Chao, Radicalized Patriotism, and the Reversal of Protestant Missions in China," Religions, 2020, 11 (4): 175-195.

Book Chapters

  • Jin Li and Li Ma, "Voegelinism and the Theological Sources of Modern Chinese Political Thought," in Lee Trepanier (ed.), Eric Voegelin's Asian Political Thought (Lexington Books, 2020).
  • Jin Li and Li Ma, "Theology in Crisis: Re-Evaluating the Influence of Karl Barth on Chinese Theologian T. C. Chao," in Yearbook of Chinese Theology 2019, Paulos Z. Huang (ed.), Brill, 2019.
  • Li Ma and Jin Li, "Remaking the Civic Space: the Rise of Unregistered Protestantism and Civic Engagement in Urban China." In Joel Carpenter and Kevin den Dulk (eds.) Christianity in Chinese Public Life: Religion, Society, and the Rule of Law, Palgrave and MacMillan, 2014.

Public Scholarship on Chinese Media

  • JIEMIAN《界面》, China's largest news group, Column: "Wither America?" (《美国往何处去》专栏)
  • Jin Li and Li Ma, "With Chauvin Convicted, Can America Turn the Page on Racial Conflicts?" (跪杀黑人的警察被判有罪,美国可以翻过种族冲突这一页了吗?)

    Li Ma, "Can the Democratic Party Resolve Gender Inequality in the Post-Trump Era?" (后特朗普时代,民主党能解决性别平等问题吗?) 

    Jin Li and Li Ma, "America's 'Medical Crisis' since the COVID-19 Pandemic: Market or Regulation, Left or Right?" (从新冠疫情看美国的"医疗病":市场还是管制,往左还是往右) (126,000 views)

    Jin Li and Li Ma, "Capitol Hill Crisis: Puritan Gnosticism and Culture of Entertainment behind the Trump Movement" (美国国会危机:特朗普运动背后的清教灵知主义和娱乐化) (276,000 views)

    Jin Li and Li Ma, "When Election Meets Pandemic: Two Causal Attributions and Two 'Americas'" (当选举遇上疫情,两种归因和"两个美国") (138,000 views)

    Jin Li and Li Ma, "From 2016 to 2020: Failures and Anxiety among American Media" (从2016到2020:美国媒体的失败与焦虑) (150,000 views)

    Jin Li and Li Ma, "How Did An Immigrant Nation Become Afraid of the 'Other'?" (移民大国为何变成"他者"恐惧) (162,000 views)

    Jin Li and Li Ma, "The Problem of Race, Consumed by Party Politics: Past, Present and Future" (被党派政治消费的种族问题:过去,现在和未来) (118,000 views)

    Jin Li and Li Ma, "The Deeper Crisis Behind America's Presidential Election: The Electoral College, Swing States and Social Polarization" (美国大选背后的深层危机:选举人团,摇摆州与社会极化) (194,000 views)

    Jin Li and Li Ma, "COVID-19 Pandemic Reveals America's Intellectual Crisis" (新冠大流行不仅让特朗普检出阳性,也测出了美国的深层思想危机) (400,000 views)

    1. FINANCIAL TIMES (Chinese) FT中文网

    Li Ma and Jin Li, "Will NFT Change Art?" (NFT会改变艺术吗:在数码非复制时代怎样看待加密艺术的意义和局限?,April 15, 2021.

    Jin Li and Li Ma, "Why Do BLACK LIVES MATTER?" (为什么黑人的命也重要:读《弗雷德里克•道格拉斯--一个美国奴隶的生平自述》), February 25, 2021.

    Jin Li, Li Ma and Xiaopeng Ren, "How Did American Evangelicalism Politicize the Issue of Abortion?" (堕胎问题是怎样被美国福音派政治化的?), December 1, 2021.

    Jin Li and Li Ma, "A Busy but Difficult Birthing: Analyses on the U.S. Presidential Election" (一场热闹的难产:美国大选的几个看点和分析), November 5, 2020.

    Jin Li and Li Ma, "America at Crossroad: Interview with American Scholars on the Presidential Election" (十字路口的美国:美国学者谈2020年大选), October 27, 2020.

    Li Ma, "The Gospel of Trump and His Last Temptation" (特朗普的福音和最后的试探), July 16, 2020.

    Li Ma and Jin Li, "Migrant Children in Quicksand" (流沙中的孩子们), September 19, 2017.

    1. INITIUM 《端传媒》, award-winning Chinese media in Hong Kong

    Li Ma, "We Talk about 'Human Capital' but Ignores Human Dignity" (我们都习惯谈"人力资本"与经济贡献,却忽略了人的尊严) December 2, 2017.

    Jin Li and Li Ma, "Why Does China Need NGOs?" (我们为什么需要NGO?), October 11, 2015.

    1. SOUTHERN WEEKLY 《南方周末》, China's premier culture and investigative journalism media

    Li Ma and Jin Li, "We Need Mr. Rogers in This Time" (这个时代,我们需要温暖的罗杰斯先生), March 3, 2020.

    1. CAIJING magazine 《财经》, China's leading financial media

    "Did We Really SEE Migrants Before They Disappear?" (城市移民消失前,我们真正"看到"过他们吗?), June 25, 2019.

    1. CAIXIN 《财新》, opinion-editorial column "Origins of Our Time" (我们时代的起源)

    Jin Li and Li Ma, "Is Globalization the Blame for the Pandemic?" (疫情大流行是全球化的错吗), March 19, 2020.

    Jin Li and Li Ma, "Eric Voegelin on the Rise of Phenomenism" (沃格林论现象主义的兴起), September 6, 2017.

    Jin Li and Li Ma, "Capitalism's Zombie Culture" (资本主义的"丧尸"文化), August 18,2017.

    Jin Li and Li Ma, "Capitalism Exists as Currency" (作为货币存在的资本主义), June 30, 2017.

    Jin Li and Li Ma, "Economics as Politics"(作为政治的经济), June 29, 2017.

    Jin Li and Li Ma, "The Mentality of Intellectuals and Bakunin's Confession" (知识分子的心态与巴枯宁的忏悔), July 12, 2017.


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